1. Volumeverhogende mascara's - Kiko Milano
Bevat niet: Kika Nicolela
Val op met een aantrekkelijke ooglook en prachtig opgemaakte wimpers dankzij de mascara’s met volumeverhogend effect van KIKO MILANO. Geef je look een boost!
2. Mascara | Ogen | N BEAUTY - NIKKIE
Bevat niet: Kika Nicolela
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3. Kika Nicolela | KN Studio
Bevat niet: mascara | Resultaten tonen met:mascara
KN Studio belongs to the Brazilian artist, filmmaker and independent curator Kika Nicolela, based in Brussels. Her videos, video-installations and photos have been presented and awarded worldwide.
4. Kika Nicolela - Saatchi Art
Bevat niet: mascara | Resultaten tonen met:mascara
View Kika Nicolela’s Profile on Saatchi Art. Find art for sale at great prices from artists including Paintings, Photography, Sculpture, and Prints by Top Emerging Artists like Kika Nicolela.
5. [PDF] Contents - Instants Vidéo
flabby mascara for lasting grannies, I present this tribute to earlier ... A/Traés (Crossing) by Kika Nicolela (Brazil 2003). Performance by Dan Oki ...
6. Leveraging Semantic Asymmetry for Precise Gross Tumor Volume ...
14 uur geleden · How to successfully wear colored mascara on your eyelashes ... En Donde Vive Kika Nicolela · 8 Different Types of Mascara Wands and What They Do ...
11institutetext: DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group 22institutetext: East China Normal University, Shanghai, China 33institutetext: The First Affiliated Hospital of College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, China 44institutetext: Hupan Lab, Hangzhou, China 44email: alisonbrielee@gmail.comZi Li 1Correspondi...
7. [PDF] 1-2/2020 - Kunstbulletin
2 jan 2020 · wasserfeste Mascara unter Tränen verläuft.Pendant dazu ist ein Gemälde nach einer ... Dirk Koy, Georgette Maag, Kika Nicolela,. Christoph Oertli, ...
8. sobre bim 2012 - Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento
Nicolela, Kika / Actus / HD / 16'57'' / Brasil / 2010; 55. Olivera, Javier ... mascara; el circulo se rompe por el seco y cortante sonido del teléfono.
La BIM es una actividad singular, es una combinación entre un festival de cine y una muestra de arte contemporáneo donde el eje central es el cine y el video experimental. En ella, un gran despliegue de obras exhibidas en museos y cines es enriquecida por una amplia oferta de actividades (talleres, conferencias, seminarios y charlas con artistas). La BIM es un espacio de encuentro pensado para los amantes de las artes audiovisuales, un proyecto de CONTINENTE producido por la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, que tiene lugar cada dos años en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
9. [PDF] O Sistema das Artes Visuais de Florianópolis - UDESC
7 aug 2020 · ... mascara os conflitos de interesse, as tensões e contradições ... Kika Nicolela. Local: O Sítio: R. Francisca Luísa Viêira, 53 - Lagoa ...
10. [PDF] Publicação - WordPress.com
... Kika Nicolela, por exemplo, têm seus gestos motivados na hibridação ... mascara o poder daqueles que se beneficiam das produções alavancadas nessas ...
Bevat niet: mascara | Resultaten tonen met:mascara
Kika Nicolela is a Brazilian artist, filmmaker and independent curator based in Brussels. Having video and new technologies as tools, she proposes experiences that question the stories we make about the world and about ourselves. Graduated in Film Studies from the University of Sao Paulo, Nicolela has also completed a Master of Fine Arts at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHDK).
12. Mascara | Ogen | N BEAUTY - NIK&NIK
Bevat niet: Kika Nicolela
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13. Cinema U 11-1 - Alphabet Art Centre
Kika Nicolela (Brazil) – Title: Windmaker, 2009, 1:00 12. Harriet Macdonald (UK) – Title: Another Year Gone, 2008, 1:00 13. Alex Lora (Spain) – Video title ...